Thursday, December 29, 2011

Probably should update this thang....

Well, it's been like 6 months and figured I should probably update my blog. I mean, I have nothing going on right now. It's not like Noah is messing up Cali's Littlest Pet Shot house she got for Christmas, and it's not like Cali is karate chopping him in the stomach as payback. Nope, I have all the time in the world to update this...

So, probably should cover the last few months in a nutshell.

1. Cali doesn't like school. She has already mastered the art of faking sick. In fact, she tells me that most moms just come to school at lunch and take their kids home. Hmmmm......

2. Noah is a stinker (no shock there I'm sure). His new thing is to hit and tell me he "not love me so much" when he doesn't get his way. Thank God he is cute. That's all I'm saying.

3. Cali was Miss Merry Christmas this year in the Fairbury Christmas Parade. She is still convinced she's royalty. Seriously.

4. Cali was in basketball this year. And I was the coach. Yes, this is for real. We were clearly Boy's and Girls Club champions. I think it was because of all the knowledge I was able to impress upon them.

And now for Christmas.....
Christmas 2011 was AMAZING! Well, most of it. On Christmas Eve, we went to my mom and Jim's church. Noah fell asleep on the way over and I seriously felt like I hit the lottery with that one. In fact, as he was sleeping on my chest in church I told my mom, "when he's sleeping, I feel like my heart loves him just a llliiitttlllee bit more". (I was kind of kidding with that). Well, much to my dismay, the kid wakes up, 2 seconds into service. He began SCREAMING, "I WANNNNTTT TO GO HOOOOMMMEEE". Finally I called Jordan and made him pick him up. I was STERNLY explaining to Noah while we were waiting for Jordan how mad I was at him. His response you ask? "I don't tare mom. Dit over it". Charming. I know.

FINALLY, Jordan gets there and I am able to go back in. I sit down and now explain to Cali how furious I am that I had to miss 2 songs. Without missing a beat, she chimes in, "you didn't miss anything with this song mom. This solo is no good" :) It was hilarious. In all honesty, it was the most amazing Christmas Eve, no, church serivce, that I have ever been too. Pastor Homan did a wonderful job! It will be hard to top next year!!

Later that night I put their footie pajamas on them, brought 2 cups of hot chocolate, and jumped in the truck to go look for Santa. It lasted about an hour and a half. Cali insisted that she saw him. 1 million times. Noah insisted that Santa was dead and that he wanted to go home.

Christmas morning was finally here. It was the first time that they were really excited about Christmas and Santa! Every gift Noah opened he yelled, "THIS WAS JUUUSSSTTT WHAT I WANTED". I'd say the drum set he got was a fav. He looked pretty darn cute banging on them. in All.Day.

Cali got TOOONNNNSSS of gifts. Tons and tons of Barbies, crafts, wuggle pets, a pottery wheel, Barbie scooter, BOUNCE HOUSE, well, the list goes on and on. Her favorite gift you ask? Oh, it was the $5 pillow that Jordan's mom got her. The one with a little pocket on it for when you lose a tooth. Yes, one that you put your dirty, disgusting tooth in once it falls out while you wait for the tooth ferry to bring you $20 too much. I'm considering wrapping Kleenex and paper towel rolls next year for her for Christmas.

Christmas is now over and the New Year is almost here. Can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for the Roy house!

PS- It's December 29th, and I've already threatened 2 times that Santa is not coming next year. Too soon?

PPS- I'll post pictures soon. Well, probably in another 6 months :)

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